Do you need money to carry out repairs, go on vacation, furnish your home, but you do not work under an employment contract? Especially for you, we have created the loan ACTIVE.

The Bank does not collect any fees for loan absorption and management!

Maximum amount of BGN 50 000 or its equivalent in EUR

Maximum term of 10 years

Preferential interest rate of 5.4% if your income is transferred on your bank account with CCB

Preferential interest rate of 4.5% for doctors and dentists

For loans in BGN: The annual percentage rate of charge is 5.09 % for a loan of BGN 15,000, repayment term 5 years at an interest rate of 4.6% including  a monthly card current account service fee of BGN 2.54. The interest rate is based on the basic reference rate for consumer loans (BRLR PC) for the respective currency + surcharge. Total amount due BGN 16 972.03 and monthly instalment amount BGN 280.33.

See CCB's methodology for determining the APRC PC for consumer loans.

For loans in EUR. The annual percentage rate of charge is 5.10 % for a loan of EUR 15,000, repayment term 5 years at an interest rate of 4.6% including  a monthly card current account service fee of EUR 1.30.The interest rate is based on the basic reference rate for consumer loans (ORLR Pk) for the relevant currency + a surcharge. Total amount due EUR 8 487.92 and monthly instalment EUR 140.17.

See CCB's methodology for determining the APRC PC for consumer loans.

·         Loan application as per the model of the Bank 180.07 KB Download

·         pdf Declaration of your spouse 145.45 KB Download 

·         pdf Reference of the guarantor 162.56 KB Download

·         pdf Declaration of the joint debtor