Central Cooperative Bank AD contact address:

Republic of Bulgaria

87 Tsarigradsko Shose Blvd.

1086 Sofia

The address of Central Cooperative Bank AD for receiving correspondence, including but not limited to: letters, notifications, communications, shipments, etc., regardless of their nature and sender, is the address of the registered office of the company registered with the Commercial Register and stated above.

 Central Cooperative Bank AD may not ensure and guarantee the receipt of letters, shipments, sent to an address other than the above, unless otherwise agreed in writing with the Bank.

In case you need help with using internet banking CCB Online or mobile banking CCB Mobile, you can contact us by phone:

In case your card is stolen or lost, you have to contact us to block it. Call CCB 24/7:

*5050 (Call charges are based on the tariffs and policies of the customer’s mobile operator. Calls to a short number may not be included in the free-minute package for which CCB cannot be held responsible);
02/9266 500

In case you need assistance in using your bank card, you can call the CCB 24/7 on the following phone numbers:

·         *5050 (Call charges are based on the tariffs and policies of the customer’s mobile operator. Calls to a short number may not be included in the free-minute package for which CCB cannot be held responsible);

·         02/9266 500

·         or write to us to cards@ccbank.bg . 

If you have questions or comments about the banking service that you want to share with us, contact us on phone (02) 9266 100

or to front@ccbank.bg