Mortgage Loan Home For You
We at Central Cooperative Bank want to make your dreams come true. Find a new HOME FOR YOU for you and your family, and we will help you make it yours! Take advantage of our attractive offer - HOME FOR YOU Mortgage Loan at low interest rates!
The Bank does not collect any fees for loan absorption and management!
- Maximum amount of BGN 700 000 or its equivalent in EUR
- Interest rate of 2.5%
- Maximum term of 30 years
Interest rate when the client’s responsibility is limited by means of the provision of collateral – 6.5% regardless of the loan currency
Free property insurance of the mortgaged property.
Fee for evaluation of the collateral – according to the Tariff of the licensed appraiser.
Fee for preparing an application consent for the deletion of a mortgage - BGN 60 plus VAT.
Fee for renegotiation at the client's initiative - according to the Bank's Tariff.
Package Attraction
When refinancing a mortgage loan from another bank/financial institution
- no fee for preparing a legal opinion
- no collateral assessment fee
- the possibility of taking over the notary fee for establishing a mortgage up to the amount to be refinanced.
Lending up to 85% of the market value of the collateral, under certain conditions.
For a new mortgage loan (legal mortgage)
- no notary fee when lending up to 85% of the market value of the collateral, under certain conditions.
Package Attraction +
In the case of a new mortgage loan and a subsequent mortgage in order, in the case of previous ones in favor of CCB.
For a new mortgage loan for the purchase of a property serving as collateral* for a loan at CCB
- no collateral assessment fee
- no notary fee when lending up to 85% of the market value of the collateral, under certain conditions.
When buying a property - collateral for an existing mortgage loan, a fee for preparing an application - consent to delete the mortgage is not paid.
The annual percentage rate is 2.61% in case of a loan in the amount of BGN 100 000, with a repayment term of 15 years with 2.5% interest rate (BRIRml + margin), and fee for real estate evaluation of BGN 150, fee for preparing an application consent for the deletion of a mortgage of BGN 60, monthly fee for servicing a card checking account of BGN 2.50. The total due amount is BGN 120 021.98 the amount of the monthly installment is BGN 666.79. See the methodology for determining the BRIRml of CCB Plc.
Sufficient insurable earnings
Open-ended employment contract
At least 6 months of work experience with the current employer
Fully finished and commissioned
residential property- Percentage of lending Up to 85%
Deductables minimum 10%
For additional information, call:
*5050 (Call charges are based on the tariffs and policies of the customer’s mobile operator. Calls to a short number may not be included in the free minute package for which CCB cannot be held responsible)
02/9266 500, as well as in all offices of Central Cooperative Bank.
For borrowers, guarantors and mortgagors
- Mortgage Loan Application
- marriage certificate;
- divorce court order;
- certificate issued by the Registry Agency for registered matrimonial property regime between spouses;
- declaration with notary attested signatures of the spouses for the selected matrimonial property regime;
- notarized copy of the marriage contract, etc.
- Certificate of marital status and civil status (not required for guarantors), and where relevant:
- Documents to prove the income of the borrower(s)Certificate of the existence or lack of liabilities issued by the respective Territorial Directorate of the National Revenue Agency, on the grounds of Art. 87 (6) of the Tax and Social Security Procedure Code (TSSPC) in the event that public liabilities are found as a result of an ex officio inspection.
- Declarations for filed enforcement cases with state and/or private bailiff, for connectivity and civil and property status - according to a model of the Bank
For sellers under a sale/purchase transaction - natural persons
- Certificate of marital status and civil status, and where relevant:
- marriage certificate;
- divorce court order;
- certificate issued by the Registry Agency for registered matrimonial property regime between spouses;
- declaration with notary attested signatures of the spouses for the selected matrimonial property regime;
- notarized copy of the marriage contract, etc.
- Certificate of the existence or lack of liabilities issued by the respective Territorial Directorate of the National Revenue Agency, on the grounds of Art. 87 (6) of the Tax and Social Security Procedure Code (TSSPC) in the event that public liabilities are found as a result of an ex officio inspection.
For sellers under a sale/purchase transaction - legal entities
- Certificate of the existence or lack of liabilities issued by the respective Territorial Directorate of the National Revenue Agency, on the grounds of Art. 87 (6) of the Tax and Social Security Procedure Code (TSSPC) in the event that public liabilities are found as a result of an ex officio inspection.
- Decision of the competent body according to the Memorandum or the Articles of Association, respectively, for mortgaging/selling the respective property
For real property used as collateral
- .Documents of title of the real estate used as collateral. When submitting the notarial deeds of findings, the documents on the basis of which they have been issued must also be presented;
- Current Certificate issued by the Registry Office at the Registry Agency according to the location of the property of the presence or absence of entries, notes and encumbrances on the property used as collateral, as well as of the absence of registered applications on third party claims and/or foreclosures imposed on the property. The Certificate of Encumbrances should cover entries on the real estate account for a period of 10 years.
When the property is newly built and for this reason the certificate of encumbrances submitted covers a period of less than 10 years (starting as from the date of construction of the property), a 10-year certificate of encumbrances of the plot (zoned land plot) where the building is constructed, regardless of whether or not the client owns notional shares of the landed property. - Current Certificate of Tax Valuation under Art. 264 (1) TSSPC for the property
- Current drawing of the landed property and the building, and in the case of an "independent unit in a building" - a drawing of the unit (according to the Cadastre and Property Register Act) issued by the respective territorial division of the Geodesy, Cartography and Cadastre Office (GCCO) at the Geodesy, Cartography and Cadastre Agency. In the case that there is no approved cadastral map for the area ofthe property, an up-to-date drawing of the zoned land plot issued by the relevant competent authorities (Municipal Administration) should be submitted.
- Certificate issued by the GCCO attesting the absence of an approved cadastral map/drawing may be required at the discretion of the Bank.
- In cases where buildings and/or units in buildings acquired through construction, purchased as a building permit or in a "rough construction" are offered as collateral, the commissioning documents and use permits of the property should be submitted in compliance with the legislation in force at that time.
You can also obtain information about the documents you need in any office of the bank.
Free property insurance at Armeec Insurance Company
Free debit card MasterCard Debit or Visa Electron
Possibility to issue a Visa CCB - Bulgaria Air credit card at preferential terms
Mortgage Loan from CCB - step by step!