Would you like a credit card, with which you enjoy an advantageous loan all over the world, do shopping on the Internet, use the account for other payments as well? Take your Visa Chip credit card from Central Cooperative Bank. It is your precious card, because it provides to you the prestige and self-confidence, which you deserve. Shopping turns into a real pleasure with this card. You enjoy a loan under advantageous conditions at any time and anywhere across the world.
You may use your card in each situation
With your chip credit card you can:
Pay for goods and services in shops, restaurants, hotels, tourist agencies, airlines, museums, theatres in more than 220 countries
Book at a hotel, book and pay for tickets for airplane, theatre or concert
Rent a car without making a deposit
Do shopping on the Internet
Withdraw cash 24 hours a day at over 1 000 000 ATMs across the world
Withdraw money cash from the bank counters all over the world
Shop tax free
With your Visa card you shop tax free in the trade shops in Cyprus and abroad, as well as on the Internet.
Advantages of the Visa Chip cards
The Visa Chip cards were created via the most modern technologies, guaranteeing greater security, comfort and additional functional possibilities. With your chip card you have the following advantages:
Lower risk – the information in your chip card is encrypted, which means that it is protected to a maximum extent and in practice it is not possible the data from the chip to be copied.
Greater security – till now almost all payments with credit cards were made without a PIN code, with a signature on the slip from the POS terminal in the trade shop. With your chip card you will enter more often your PIN code, which makes the card use safer.
Greater efficiency – the chip makes possible the card use even on locations, where cards with a magnetic strip cannot be accepted, due to unreliable or rather expensive communications.
Additional features – the chip allows the keeping and processing of additional information, which up to now was not possible with the cards with a magnetic strip.
Faster transactions – the chip makes possible most transactions with your card to be effected faster.
Greater protection – upon doubting a transaction with your card you have greater rights with your chip card in comparison to the card only with a magnetic strip.
Universal application – your Visa Chip card is equipped with a magnetic strip, which makes possible the card to be used at ATMs and POS terminals, which are still not equipped to accept payments with a chip.
Choose the credit card most convenient for you
Favorite credit card
Save interest with an advantageous loan!
You enjoy an exceptionally long grace period – up to 60 days upon shopping
You enjoy a loan all over the world
Low interest outside the grace period:
-15,75% euro;
-14,75% USD;
Freedom upon returning the spent amount from your credit card:
- you may deposit the whole amount, covering your liabilities till the end of the previous month, in order to enjoy the grace period of 60 days or
- make a minimum instalment.
Guaranteed credit card
No formalities and no waiting for approval!
Only against a personal card – without income evidencing documents
Credit and debit card on one account
Several Guaranteed credit cards on one account – the card is not only for you, but for your relatives
Convenient for payment and bookings in more than 220 countries
Payments on the Internet
Low minimum balance:
- EUR 50 or USD 50 for Visa Classic card
- EUR 300 or USD 300 for Visa Business card
- EUR 300 or USD 300 for Visa Gold card
Order of a Visa Chip card
You choose the type of card according to your needs and preferences – Favourite or Guaranteed card
You may choose between Classic, Business and Gold card
The card may be a personal card or a company card
You choose between EUR and USD
Approval of the card up to 2 work days
Free issuance
Fill in the application for the issuance of a credit card and visit the bank branch in Cyprus.
Useful information for the Visa cards
It is important to know that the PIN code of the card may be changed only at an ATM in Bulgaria.
List of ATMs, accepting Visa cards abroad
Tariff for the payments with Visa credit cards
General conditions to the contract for the issuance of Visa credit cards.
Limits for the transactions with Visa credit cards in USD and EUR
In case of a stolen or lost card
In case your card was stolen or lost, it is necessary to call at CCB, in order to block it.
During the working hours – at Cyprus branch at phone number:
00357 22447757
Outside the working hours – at the Cards department in Bulgaria
00359 2 9266 523 and 00359 2 9266 527
00359 889 934 694 (accessible for all subscribers)
For additional information:
Call at 00357 22447757 or write to us at: ccb_cyprus@ccbank.bg